Jukka Haapalainen, M.Sc.(Eng), has been appointed CEO of Leden Group. One of the key objectives of the new CEO is to continue the development of a coherent operating culture for Leden and ensure the company’s projected growth.

Leden Group has today appointed Jukka Haapalainen as the CEO of the Group. Prior to this position, Haapalainen has acted as the head of Lehto Group Plc’s subsidiary operating in industrial manufacturing and as a member of the Group’s executive team. Haapalainen will assume his new duties as of July 1, 2023.
“Jukka Haapalainen has the experience needed to accelerate the growth towards the set targets of the recently established Leden Group,” says Seppo Heikkilä, Chairman of the Board.
Leden Group was founded in spring 2021 when Celermec Oy, LaserComp Oy, Ojala-Yhtymä Oy and Estonian Favor merged.
A considerable amount of companies have partly repatriated their production operations back to Europe from Asia over the past couple of years, and the new CEO Jukka Haapalainen sees new opportunities in this development.
“To be appointed as the head of Leden Group at a such an interesting stage is an extremely interesting step. On my part, the final decision was rather easy to make,” says Haapalainen.
“One of the priorities of the new CEO is to strengthen customer cooperation. Seamless customer related operations enable the contract manufacturer to participate in the designing process, develop individual manufacturing solutions and introduce competitive operating models at an early stage”, says Heikkilä.
Leden Group’s customer cooperation will also be reinforced by the new plant envisaged for Oulainen, which will allow the company to better meet its growth targets and new customer needs as well as ensure employee well-being.
Contact Information
Seppo Heikkilä, Chairman of the Board +358 50 386 9141
Jukka Haapalainen + 358 40 353 2244
Leden Group provides its customers with the entire contract manufacturing process from design evaluation to delivery. The company’s clientele includes global market leaders in energy production, power transmission and management, mechanical engineering, and the pharmaceutical industry.
Leden Group employs approximately 460 experts in Sievi and Nivala, Finland and Tallinn, Estonia. The group’s turnover in 2022 was EUR 95 million.
Relevant work history of Jukka Haapalainen:
- Lehto Group Plc: 2019–2023: Head of Lehto Group Plc’s subsidiary operating in industrial manufacturing, member of the Group’s executive team
- Eastman Chemical Company: 2014–2019. CEO of the Finnish branch, the plant manager in Oulu
- Cables industry: 2001–2014. Several management and executive positions