The goal is to grow, cooperate and improve customer service. Changes that will be made at a later announced date and do not have immediate effect on the customer deliveries or business in any way for now. Customers will be informed about the changes well in advance when the schedules become more detailed.
Leden Group will merge its Finnish subsidiaries Celermec, LaserComp and Ojala-Yhtymä into Leden Finland during 2023. In addition, the company will transfer a large part of its operations to Kivisenkangas industrial area in the city of Oulainen during a couple of years.
The company modernizes the production equipment in connection with the move. The investments improve delivery times and enable capacity increase. We believe that we will need to recruit more personnel.
“We are growing out of our existing facilities which have served very well until now,” says CEO Mr. Juha Heikkinen
Customer contacts, deliveries, and invoicing addresses as well as company names and business IDs remain the same for the time being. Customers will be informed of any changes well in advance of their implementation.
More information from CEO Mr. Juha Heikkinen